Thursday, May 29, 2008

DIECIOCHO/ Más Encuentros: Comida, Familia, Natura, y Cultura (Further Encounters: Food, Family, Nature, and Culture)

This round of stories about Chile is completed for now, más o menos. It's been a surprising pleasure to extend the time spent inside another culture by reflecting on, writing about, and then sharing the stories with others. In this medium, we get to tell more extended, detailed versions—with photos—than we would ever share in face-to-face, verbal interactions. We look forward to writing more here after a next trip to Chile.

In the meantime, we have started a new blog, Further Encounters: Food, Family, Nature, and Culture, at, inspired by a shared, lifelong love of food, cooking, gardening, nature exploration, and the arts. The goal, on this round, is to apply the pleasure of reflecting, writing, and sharing stories from the inside of our home culture.

We will follow the same rhythm as the Chile blog, adding new stories and recipes each Saturday.

—Michael and Jane

1 comment:

edoseco said...

So no more Chilean stories? :-)
It was great to live again these days throught this blog. It was a different trip here, seen throught your eyes, thanks for sharing that.

Looking forward to know about your next adventures!
